Title: Étos a etika literárních postav současné slovenské a české prózy (M. Viewegh a P. Weiss)
Variant title:
- Ethos and the ethiccal code of literary characters in contemporary Slovak and Czech prose (M. Viewegh and P. Weiss)
Source document: Středoevropský areál ve vnitřních souvislostech : (česko-slovensko-maďarské reflexe). Pospíšil, Ivo (Editor); Šaur, Josef (Editor). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010, pp. [177]-184
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/133528
Rights access
open access
License: Not specified license
The author of this article deals with something called "new ethics". The concept comes from the Spanish researcher J. L. Abellan, who, in his book "Thoughts for the 21st Century," writes about the great trends that mankind will experience in the 21st century. Among the trends he describes are forms of new ethics. This new ethics (or rather lack of ethics) can be found in the texts of other contemporary writers such as the Czech writer Michal Viewegh and the Slovak Pavel Weiss. The author asserts that in their novels these writers show how the ethics of contemporary man is being formed and what determines and influences him. It is a critical picture, and the result shows that progress does not always lead to "a better tomorrow" or to a brighter future, but exactly the opposite. Motives for unethical behavior, drugs, dealing, fraud, etc. appear in these texts.