Reflexia hudobnej konceptosféry vo frazeológii

Title: Reflexia hudobnej konceptosféry vo frazeológii
Variant title:
  • Consideration of the musical conceptosphere in phraseology
Source document: Jihoslovanská frazeologie kontrastivně. Krejčí, Pavel (Editor); Krejčová, Elena (Editor). Vydání první Brno: Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, 2016, pp. 33-38
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License: Not specified license
In the introductory part the author deals with the beginnings of vocal, instrumental and dance activities in the history of mankind. She devotes particular attention to their occurrence in Biblical texts. In the second part she analyses phrasemes reflecting the musical conceptosphere in the Slovak and in the Bulgarian phraseology, as, e.g. the Slovak plakat' ako organ ("to sob one's heart out (loudly)"; literally: "to cry as an organ"), or the Bulgarian Мая Плисецкая ("spin"; referring to the famous Russian-born ballerina Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya). The author states that phrasemes containing elements of the musical spectrum reflect the specific associative imagination and they in an original way complete the unique mosaic of the Slovak and the Bulgarian linguistic picture of the world.
  • Text vznikol v rámci riešenia grantového projektu Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky VEGA 1/0543/14 Metaforické vokálno-inštrumentálne prvky v slovenčine a slovanských jazykoch.