Title: Blasted 1999 : Sarah Kane's body against the archive
Source document: Theatralia. 2022, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 41-61
ISSN1803-845X (print)2336-4548 (online)
Persistent identifier (DOI): https://doi.org/10.5817/TY2022-2-3
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.77246
Type: Article
License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International
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The body-archive category in Polish Theatre and Performance Studies is articulated as an emancipatory tool with the potential to reclaim the history of marginalised, oppressed, and silenced groups not represented in the archive, but as I claim, it still subsumes the body under the power of identity and meaning it gains through history. Looking at one of the most important 'dead bodies' in the archive of Polish contemporary theatre – Sarah Kane's body – and the way it was present and presented to the Polish viewers, I ask if the other model of the relation between body and history is possible. I find it through the notion of trauma and plasticity inscribed in Kane's text and realised on the Polish stage in the 1999 production of Blasted. Reading the remains of the performance I ask how it can be read in the context of Polish political transition and how it reflects the meaning of Kane's 'new brutalism' in Polish 1990s.
This text was written as a part of research within the project 'Odmieńcy. Performances of Otherness in Polish Transition Culture' 2021/41/B/HS2/01540 financed by the Polish National Science Centre.
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[25] VIRNO, Paolo. 2004. A Grammar of the Multitude. For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life. Transl. by Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito and Andrea Casson. Cambridge/London: MIT Press, 2004.
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[2] BANIEWICZ, Elżbieta. 2012. Rozmowy z Teresą Nawrot. Ćwiczenia według techniki Jerzego Grotowskiego [Conversations with Teresa Nawrot. Excersises with Jerzy Grotowski's Technique]. Łódź: Wydawnictwo PWSFTviT, 2012.
[3] BUDEN, Boris. 2012. Strefa przejścia. O końcu postkomunizmu [Zone of Transition: On the End of Post-Communism]. Transl. by Michał Sutkowski. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Krytyki Politycznej, 2012.
[4] FOUCAULT, Michel. 1972. The Archaeology of Knowledge. Transl. by A. M. Sheridan Smith. New York: Pantheon Books, 1972.
[5] GRUSZCZYŃSKI, Piotr. 2002. Kasandra [online]. Tygodnik Powszechny 56 (3. 3. 2002): 9: 14. [accessed 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://encyklopediateatru.pl/artykuly/103770/kasandra.
[6] JANUSZANIEC, Michał. 2014. Beata Bandurska – rozmawa Krystyna Duniec [Beata Bandurska – Interviewed by Krystyna Duniec] [online]. In Encyklopedia teatru polskiego [Encyclopedia of the Polish Theatre]. 2014. [accessed on 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://encyklopediateatru.pl/osoby/254/beata-bandurska-wodzinska#.
[7] KRAKOWSKA, Joanna. 2019. Demokracja. Przedstawienia [Democracy: Performances]. Warszawa: Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego and Instytut Sztuki PAN, 2019.
[8] KRISTEVA, Julia. 1982. Approaching Abjection. Transl. by John Lechte. Oxford Literary Review 5 (1982): 1–2: 125–149.
[9] MALABOU, Catherine. 2012. Ontology of the Accident. An Essay on Destructive Plasticity. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012.
[10] MBEMBE, Achille. 2003. Necropolitics. Transl. By Libby Meintjes. Public Culture 15 (2003): 1: 11–40.
[11] MOŚCICKI, Tomasz. 1999. Wstyd w towarzystwie [Shame in the Society] [online]. Życie 4 (11. 10. 1999): 238: 10. [accessed on 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://encyklopediateatru.pl/artykuly/292594/wstyd-w-towarzystwie.
[12] NIZIOŁEK, Grzegorz. 2008. Warlikowski: extra ecclesiam. Kraków: Homini, 2008.
[13] PAWŁOWSKI, Roman. 1999. Realizm i rozpacz [Realism and Despair] [online]. Gazeta Wyborcza 240 (13. 10. 1999). [accessed on 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://encyklopediateatru.pl/artykuly/292595/realizm-i-rozpacz.
[14] PAWŁOWSKI, Roman. 2002. Sarah Kane. Wysokie Obcasy: dodatek do Gazety Wyborczej 3 (26. 1. 2002): 4.
[15] PHELAN, Peggy. 1993. Unmarked. The Politics of Performance. New York: Routledge, 1993.
[16] ROSE, Jacqueline. 1993. Why War? – Psychoanalysis, Politics, and the Return to Melanie Klein. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
[17] SAJEWSKA, Dorota and Karol RADZISZEWSKI. 2014. Ciało jako archiwum [Body as Archive] [online]. Widok. Teorie i praktyki kultury wizualnej 5 (2014). [accessed on 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://www.pismowidok.org/pl/archiwum/2014/5-queer-obrazy/cialo-jako-archiwum.
[18] SAJEWSKA, Dorota. 2018. Nekroperformans. Teoria jako resztka [Necroperformance. Theory as Remains]. Didaskalia. Gazeta teatralna 145–146 (2018): 60–67.
[19] SAJEWSKA, Dorota. 2019. Necroperformance: Cultural Reconstructions of the War Body. Transl. by Simon Wloch. Zurich: Diaphanes, 2019.
[20] SAJEWSKA, Dorota. 2020. Ciało-archiwum [Body-Archive]. In Mateusz Borowski et al. (eds.). Performanse pamięci w literaturach i sztukach [Performances of Memory in Literature and Arts]. Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2020.
[21] SCHNEIDER, Rebecca. 2011. Performing Remains. Art and War in Times of Theatrical Reenactment. New York: Routledge, 2011.
[22] SIERZ, Aleks. 2001. In-Yer-Face Theatre: British Drama Today. London: Faber, 2001.
[23] STEPHENSON, Heidi and Natasha LANGRIDGE. 1997. Rage and Reason Women Playwrights on Playwriting. London: Bloomsbury, 1997.
[24] TAYLOR, Diana. 2003. The Archive and the Repertoire. Cultural Memory and Performance in Americas. Durham: Duke University Press, 2003.
[25] VIRNO, Paolo. 2004. A Grammar of the Multitude. For an Analysis of Contemporary Forms of Life. Transl. by Isabella Bertoletti, James Cascaito and Andrea Casson. Cambridge/London: MIT Press, 2004.
[26] WYŻYŃSKA, Dorota. 1999. O przemocy bez szminki' [On Violence Without Lipstick] [online]. Gazeta stołeczna 229 (1999). [accessed on 22.1.2022]. Available online at https://encyklopediateatru.pl/artykuly/292589/o-przemocy-bez-szminki.