Rechtstermini in der frühneuhochdeutschen Olmützer Gerichtsordnung (1550) und deren tschechischer Übersetzung (1642) : Fallstudie zur Entwicklung des Rechtsvokabulars in beiden Sprachen

The study provides results of the analysis of the Early Modern High German legal terms in the Court Regulations written by the Olomouc scribe Jindřich Polan in 1550 and its two translations into Czech. The first translation is in Middle Czech dated 1642. The second translation is dated between 1593 and 1651. First of all, the focus lies on legal terms of German origin used in the mentioned document which are divided into three groups (according to semantics): the first group includes names of legal institutions, the second group includes parts of a trial and related documents and the third group includes names of persons who were active in the field of justice in that time. These terms are compared to terms used in Czech translations. The analysis of Latin terms in the German version of the Court Regulations and their appearance in Czech translations follows. Regarding the fact that one of the characteristics of German legal language had been binominal expressions since Old High German times, their occurrence in both the German and Czech versions of the Court Regulations was examined as well. Non-idiomatic expressions made of German and Latin components can be found in the German text. A part of the research is to find out how these expressions were transferred into Czech. The goal of this analysis is to prove to which extent the topical adoption of Roman procedural law and non-idiomatic expressions were reflected in the used law terminology of the mentioned versions of the Court Regulations at the time of origin of this legal document.
Diese Studie entstand im Rahmen des Projekts 20-04393S "Jindřicha Polana Soudní řád z roku 1550", das finanziell von der tschechischen Forschungsagentur GA ČR in den Jahren 2020–2022 unterstützt wird.