Title: New messengers : short narratives in plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson
Vyd. 1.
Place of publication
Masarykova univerzita
Year of publication
138 s.
- Spisy Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, Filozofická fakulta = Opera Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Facultas philosophica, ISSN 1211-3034; 418
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/129051
Link to MU library catalogue: 879971
- The "New messenger" as a specific type of dramatic character, a follower of the conventional "messenger" whose presence in traditional drama serves several purposes, which the new messenger also fulfils. What makes it different is the fact that it is not an independent character, but the role it has is assumed by major characters in contemporary mainstream drama, such as journalists and reporters, politicians and their assistants, scientists and teachers, detectives and police officers, historical characters, philosophers and literary scholars, etc. The publication provides examples of the use of this type in a series of case studies of plays by two British playwrights Michael Frayn and Tom Stoppard, and an African-American playwright August Wilson.
- Noví poslové: krátké příběhy v divadelních hrách Michaela Frayna, Toma Stopparda a Augusta Wilsona Publikace představuje specifický typ dramatické postavy, pojmenovaný "nový posel", kterého lze chápat jako následovníka konvenčního typu postavy známé z tradičních dramat nejčastěji jako "posel". Přítomnost posla v tradičním dramatu má určité funkce, které plní i nový posel. Toho však odlišuje fakt, že se nejedná o samostatnou postavu, ale jeho roli v současném anglicky psaném mainstreamovém dramatu přejímá některá z hlavních postav. Mezi takové postavy patří především rozliční novináři či reportéři, politici či jejich asistenti, vědci či učitelé, detektivové či policisté, historické postavy, filozofové a literární vědci atd. Publikace v konkrétních případech analyzuje dramata dvou britských dramatiků, Michaela Frayna a Toma Stopparda, a afroamerického dramatika Augusta Wilsona.
Subject keywords
Subject headings
- This book is published as part of the research project Czech Structuralist Thought on Theatre: Context and Potency (Český divadelní strukturalismus: souvislosti a potenciál; 2011-2015), which is financed with funds from GAČR (the Czech Grant Agency), No. P409/11/1082.
Department FF MU
License: Not specified license
Rights holder
Masarykova univerzita. Filozofická fakulta
Rights access
open access
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
1 | | Introduction | 9–14 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
2 | | Why mainstream | 15–18 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
3 | | The old messenger | 19–28 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
4 | | The poetic tradition | 29–35 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
5 | | The Prague School theory of theatre and drama | 37–44 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
6 | | Morphology and the theory of actants | 45–50 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
7 | | Brecht's heritage | 51–58 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
8 | | Reportage | 59–63 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
9 | | Introducing new messengers | 65–69 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
10 | | New messengers on the stage | 71–72 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
11 | | Pushing the action forward | 73–83 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
12 | | Interpreting for others | 85–109 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
13 | | Informing (about) the actual world | 111–124 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
14 | | The new messenger's applications: a conclusion | 125–128 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
15 | | Epilogue | 129–130 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Works cited | 131–136 Kačer, Tomáš |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Index | 137–138 Kačer, Tomáš |