Použití data miningu ve "fyzických" knihovnách

Title: Použití data miningu ve "fyzických" knihovnách
Variant title:
  • Usage of data mining in "real" libraries
Source document: ProInflow. 2016, vol. 8, iss. 2, pp. 154-175
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

Článek obsahuje přehledovou studii na téma použití data miningu ve „fyzických“ knihovnách. Téma se vymezuje slovem fyzický vůči knihovnám digitálním, které mají své vlastní možnosti a omezení při použití vytěžování z dat. Z tohoto důvodu nejsou digitální knihovny v tomto článku zahrnuty. Studie byla provedena nad odbornými články z oblasti Knihovnictví a informační vědy a shrnuje poznatky do několika témat, rozvádějících použití data miningu v knihovnách v zahraničí. Většina studií, o nichž článek pojednává, pochází z akademických knihoven. Samostatná část, pokrývající vybraná periodika, je věnována pracím o data miningu v Čechách a na Slovensku. Časové období sběru a zpracování je ukončeno rokem 2015.
Text deals with data mining used in libraries. It focuses on „physical“ libraries as they can use data mining in many processes but chooses its scope opposite to digital libraries where data mining has different variety in usage. This is why papers concerning digital libraries are excluded from this summarizing study. All the papers were selected based on concern with Library and Information Science and were divided into several groups. Most of the studies come from academic environment. Papers from czech and slovak environment are described separately. Time limitation for inclusion of the papers is up to year 2015.
[1] AHMAD, Pervaiz, Mark BROGAN and Michael N. JOHNSTONE. The E-book Power User in Academic and Research Libraries: Deep Log Analysis and User Customization. Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 2014, roč. 45, č. 1, s. 35–47. ISSN 0004-8623, s. 36.

[2] BANERJEE, Kyle. Is Data Mining Right for Your Library?. Computers in Libraries. November/December 1998, s. 28–31.

[3] BLECIC, Deborah D. et al. Using Transaction Log Analysis to Improve OPAC Retrieval Results. College and Research Libraries. 1998, roč. 59, č. 1, s. 39–50. ISSN 0010-0870.

[4] BOTER, Jaap and Michel WEDEL. User categorization of public library collections. Library & information science research. 2005, roč. 27, č. 2, s. 190–202. ISSN 0740-8188. Dostupný také z: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2005.01.004 | DOI 10.1016/j.lisr.2005.01.004

[5] BRACKE, Paul J. Web usage mining at an academic health sciences library: an exploratory study. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2004, roč. 92, č. 4, s. 421–428. Dostupný také z: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC521513/

[6] CELBOVÁ, Iva. Dezideratum. KTD: Česká terminologická databáze knihovnictví a informační vědy (TDKIV) [online]. Praha: NK ČR, c2014 [cit. 2016-02-01]. Dostupný z: http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=direct&doc_number=000001182&local_base=KTD

[7] CELBOVÁ, Ludmila. hit. In: KTD: Česká terminologická databáze knihovnictví a informační vědy (TDKIV) [online]. Praha: Národní knihovna ČR, 2003– [cit. 2016-02-15]. Dostupný z: http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=direct&doc_number=000000532&local_base=KTD

[8] CLEYLE, Su et al. Approaching Librarianship from the Data: Using Bibliomining for Evidencebased Librarianship. Library hi tech. 2006, roč. 24, č. 3, s. 369–375. ISSN 0737-8831.

[9] CONDIT FAGAN, Jody. The Effects of Reference, Instruction, Database Searches, and Ongoing Expenditures on Full-text Article Requests: An Exploratory Analysis. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 2014, roč. 40, č. 3–4, s. 264–274. ISSN 0099-1333.

[10] CULLEN, Kevin. Delving into data. Library Journal. 2005, roč. 130, č. 13, s. 30–32. ISSN 0363-0277.

[11] CUNNINGHAM, Sally Jo and Eibe FRANK. Market basket analysis of library circulation data. In: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on neural information processing. Perth, 1999. s. 825–830. Dostupný z: http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/~eibe/pubs/SJ-EF-Market-Basket.pdf

[12] DENTON, William. On Dentographs, A New Method of Visualizing Library Collections. Code4Lib Journal. 2012, roč. 16, s. 171–179. ISSN 1940-5758. Dostupný také z: http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/6300

[13] DICKEY, Timothy J. Books as Expressions of Global Cultural Diversity. Library Resources and Technical Services. 2011, roč. 55, č. 3, s. 148–162.

[14] EMMONS, Mark and Frances C. WILKINSON. The Academic Library Impact on Student Persistence. College and Research Libraries. 2011, roč. 72, č. 2, s. 128–148. ISSN 0010-0870.

[15] FINNELL, Joshua and Walt FONTANE. Reference Question Data Mining: A Systematic Approach to Library Outreach. Reference and User Services Quarterly. 2010, č. 3, s. 278–286.

[16] GOSWAMI, Sumit et al. Visualisation of Relationships Among Library Users Based on Library Circulation Data. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 2010, roč. 30, č. 2, s. 26–39. ISSN 0974-0643.

[17] GUENTHER, Kim. Applying Data Mining Principles to Library Data Collection. Computers in Libraries. 2000, roč. 20, č. 4.

[18] Guidelines for Conducting a Focus Group [online]. Office of Assessment, Duke Trinity College of Arts and Sciences, c2005 [cit. 9. 2. 2016]. Dostupné z: https://assessment.trinity.duke.edu/documents/How_to_Conduct_a_Focus_Group.pdf

[19] JOHNSON, Doug. A Data Mining Primer and Implications for School Library Media Specialists. Knowledge Quest. 2004, roč. 32, č. 5, s. 32–35.

[20] KAO, S.-C., H.-C. CHANG and C.-H. LIN. Decision support for the academic library acquisition budget allocation via circulation database mining. In: Information Processing and Management. 2003, roč. 39, č. 1, s. 133–147. ISSN 0306-4573.

[21] KITAJIMA, Mitsuro, Kensuke BABA and Toshiro MINAMI. An Evaluation of Book Selection in a University Library by Loan Record Analysis. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 2015, roč. 5, č. 10, s. 728–731. ISSN 2010–3689. | DOI 10.7763/IJIET.2015.V5.601

[22] LACROIX, Eve-Marie and Maria Elizabeth COLLINS. Interlibrary loan in US and Canadian health sciences libraries 2005: update on journal article use. Journal of the Medical Library Association. 2007, roč. 95, č. 2, s. 189–194. ISSN 1536-5050. | DOI 10.3163/1536-5050.95.2.189

[23] LALUHOVÁ, Katarína. Bibliomining – data mining pre knižnice. ITlib: Informačné technológie a knižnice. 2007, č. 4. ISSN 1336-0779. Dostupné z: http://www.cvtisr.sk/itlib/itlib074/laluhova.htm

[24] LEONARD, Michelle F., Stephanie C. HAAS and Vernon N. KISLING. Metrics and Science Mohograph Collections at the Marston Science Library, University of Florida. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. 2010, č. 62, s. 1. ISSN 1092-1206. Dostupný také z: http://dx.doi.org/10.5062/F4PC308T | DOI 10.5062/F4PC308T

[25] MELETIOU, Aristeidis and Anthi KATSIRIKOU. Methodology of analysis and interrelation of data about quality indexes of library services by using data and knowledge mining techniques. Library Management. 2009, vol. 30, no. 3. s. 138-147. ISSN 0143-5124. DOI 10.1108/01435120910937311 | DOI 10.1108/01435120910937311

[26] Ministerstvo kultury ČR. Koncepce rozvoje knihoven ČR na léta 2011–2015 včetně internetizace knihoven [PDF]. [cit. 2016-02-01]. Dostupný z: http://www.mkcr.cz/assets/literatura-a-knihovny/Koncepce_rozvoje_knihoven_2011-2015.pdf

[27] MITCHELL, Anna. Data Driven Acquisition in the Library. YouTube [online]. Publikováno 11. 2015, [cit. 2016-01-02]. Dostupný z: https://youtu.be/CKbtmRCRemci

[28] NICHOLSON, Scott. A conceptual framework for the holistic measurement and cumulative evaluation of library services. Journal of Documentation. 2004, roč. 60, č. 2, s. 164–182. ISSN 0022-0418. | DOI 10.1108/00220410410522043

[29] NICHOLSON, Scott. The Bibliomining Process: Data Warehousing and Data Mining for Library Decision Making. Information Technology and Libraries. ALA, 2003, no. 4. ISSN 2163-5226.

[30] NICHOLSON, Scott and Jeffrey M. STANTON. Gaining strategic advantage through bibliomining: Data mining for management decisions in corporate, special, digital, and traditional libraries. In: H. NEMATI and C. BARKO eds. Organizational data mining: Leveraging enterprise data resources for optimal performance. Hershley (PA): Idea Group Publishing, 2003, s. 247–262.

[31] NIELSEN, Jakob. Thinking Aloud: The #1 Usability Tool. Nielsen Norman Group [online]. January 16, 2012, [cit. 2016-02-09]. Dostupný z: https://assessment.trinity.duke.edu/documents/How_to_Conduct_a_Focus_Group.pdf

[32] OMASTOVÁ, Pavlína, Radka ŘÍMANOVÁ a Ctibor ŠKUTA. Elektronická stopa čtenáře v knihovnickém systému aneb co ví Aleph NTK i bez ankety. In: Sborník z 19. konference, konané ve dnech 13.–15. září 2011 v Českých Budějovicích. Ostrava: Sdružení knihoven ČR, září 2011, s. 101–109. ISBN 978-80-86249-62-9.

[33] PAPAVLASOPOULOS, Sozon and Marios POULOS. Neural network design and evaluation for classifying library indicators using personal opinion of expert. Library Management. 2012, vol. 33, iss. 4/5, s. 261–271. ISSN 0143-5124. | DOI 10.1108/01435121211242308

[34] PU, Hsiao-Tieh and Chyan YANG. Enriching user-oriented class associations for library classification schemes. The Electronic library. 2003, vol. 21, no. 2. ISSN 0264-0473. DOI 10.1108/02640470310470507. | DOI 10.1108/02640470310470507

[35] RENAUD, John et al. Mining Library and University Data to Understand Library Use Patterns. The Electronic Library. 2015, roč. 33, č. 3. Dostupný také z: http//dx.doi.org/10.1108/EL-07-2013-0136 | DOI 10.1108/EL-07-2013-0136

[36] SAMSON, Sue. Usage of E-resources: Virtual Value of Demographics. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 2014, roč. 40, č. 6, s. 620–625. ISSN 0099-1333.

[37] SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Beáta. Data mining a jeho uplatnění při poznávání knihovnických jevů a zákonitostí. Knižnica, 2007, roč. 8, č. 11–12, s. 21–22. ISSN 1335-7026, ISSN 1336-0965. Dostupné z: http://www.snk.sk/images/snk/casopis_kniznica/2007/november-december/21.pdf

[38] SHIEH, Jiann-Cherng. From website log to findability. The Electronic Library. 2012, roč. 30, č. 5, s. 707–720. ISSN 0264-0473.

[39] SCHULMAN, Sandy. Data mining: Life After Report Generators. Information Today. 2003, roč. 15, č. 3, s. 52. ISSN 0363-0277.

[40] SILIPIGNI CONNAWAY, Lynn, Timothy J. DICKEY. An experimental authority file and prototype application author. Library Resources & Technical Services. 2011, vol. 55, iss. 4. s. 182–194. ISSN 0024-2527.

[41] SILIPIGNI CONNAWAY, Lynn, Edward O'NEIL and Chandra PRABHA. Last Copies: What's at Risk?. College and research libraries. 2006, roč. 67, č. 4, s. 370–379. ISSN 0010-0870. Dostupný také z: http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/archive/2006/connaway-crl07.pdf

[42] SORIA, Krista M., Jan FRANSEN and Shane NACKERUD. Stacks, Serials, Search Engines, and Students' Success: Frist-Year Undergraduate Students' Library Use, Academic Achievement, and Retention. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 2014, roč. 40, č. 1, s. 84–91. ISSN 0099-1333.

[43] SOŠKOVÁ, Michaela. Analýza a vyhodnocení činností uživatelů souborného on-line katalogu Masarykovy univerzity. Brno, 2006. Bakalářská práce. Kabinet knihovnictví, Ústav české literatury a knihovnictví, Filozofická fakulta, Masarykova univerzita. Dostupný také z: http://is.muni.cz/th/108801/ff_b/Bakalarka_prace_Soskova.doc

[44] SOUKOPOVÁ, Jana. Nákladově-výstupové metody hodnocení (CMA, CEA, CUA). In: Veřejné zakázky a veřejné projekty a jejich hodnocení [PDF]. Masarykova univerzita, 2013 [cit. 9. 2. 2016]. Dostupný také z: https://is.muni.cz/el/1456/jaro2013/MPV_VZVP/um/33148301/Studijni_text_nakladove_vystupove_metody_CMA_CEA_CUA.pdf

[45] TEMPELMAN-KLUIT, Nadaleen and Alexa PEARCE. Invoking the User from Data to Design. College and Research Libraries. 2014, roč. 75, č. 5, s. 616–640. ISSN 0010-0870. Dostupný také z: http://dx.doi.org/10.5860/crl.75.5.616 | DOI 10.5860/crl.75.5.616

[46] WALTERS, William H. A Regression-based Approach to Library Fund Allocation. Library Resources and Technical Services. 2006, roč. 51, č. 4, s. 263–278. ISSN 0024-2527.

[47] WEINER, Sharon. The Contribution of the Library to the Reputation of a University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship. 2009, roč. 35, č. 1, s. 3–13. ISSN 0099-1333. | DOI 10.1016/j.acalib.2008.10.003

[48] WHITMIRE, Ethelene. Academic library performance measures and undergraduates' library use and educational outcomes. Library and information science research. 2002, roč. 24, č. 2, s. 107–128. ISSN 0740-8188.

[49] WILL, Nicole. Data-mining: Improvement of university library services. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 2006, roč. 73, č. 8, s. 1045–1050. ISSN 0040-1625.

[50] WU, Chien-Hsing. Data mining applied to material acquisition budget allocation for libraries: design and development. In: Expert Systems with Applications. 2003, roč. 25, č. 3, s. 401–411. ISSN 0957-4174. | DOI 10.1016/S0957-4174(03)00065-4

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[52] YANG, Shih-Ting. An active recommendation approach to improve book-acquisition process. In: International Journal of Electronic Business Management. 2012, roč. 10, č. 2, s. 163–173. ISSN 1741-5063.

[53] ZWEIBEL, Stephen and Zachary B. LANE. Probing the Effects of Policy Changes by Evaluating Circulation Activity Data at Columbia University Libraries: Edited by Rick J. Block. The Serials Librarian. 2012, roč. 65, č. 1, s. 17–27. ISSN 0361-526X. | DOI 10.1080/0361526X.2012.687850