Bias in primary school teachers' expectations of students? : a study of general and specific bias towards SES, ethnicity and gender

Title: Bias in primary school teachers' expectations of students? : a study of general and specific bias towards SES, ethnicity and gender
Source document: Studia paedagogica. 2020, vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. [71]-96
  • ISSN
    1803-7437 (print)
    2336-4521 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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Based on teachers' knowledge base of students, teacher expectations of students' (future) abilities and potential are shaped, in which bias may occur. This study investigates data on multiple attributes of 535 sixth-grade Flemish students to find out (1) whether teacher expectations of students' cognitive and non-cognitive attributes, of teacher-student relationships, and of parental involvement in education are biased, and (2) whether teachers differ in their expectation bias towards SES, ethnicity, and gender. By means of correlation analysis, in which we compared teacher expectations with multiple measured student attributes (i.e., their achievement test scores and self-assessments), the results showed statistically significant, positive correlations for all the attributes included, indicating an overall correspondence between teacher expectations and students' measured attributes. At the same time, using an indicator of teacher expectation bias by subtracting the students' measured attributes from the corresponding teacher expectations, this study highlighted an expectation bias in terms of over- and underestimation by teachers, especially with respect to teachers' expectations of students cognitive attributes and parental involvement in education. Also, a specific bias in teacher expectations towards SES and gender was found.
This study was funded by the Agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (IWT) 130074 and was made possible by the SBO project Transbaso, an innovative valorisation and research project that deals with inequality in educational choice at the transition from primary to secondary education in Flanders. In addition to the teachers' perspective that is researched in this study, other perspectives with regard to the transition are also being addressed in the project, such as those of students and their parents.
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