Zobrazují se záznamy 1376 - 1400 z celkového počtu 1636
Lidova, Maria.
The imperial Theotokos : revealing the concept of Early Christian imagery in Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 2, s. 60–81.
Foletti, Ivan, Kessler, Herbert L..
Hans Belting : a bridge to many Romes. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 13–15.
Barral i Altet, Xavier.
Un programme iconographique occidental pour le pavement médiéval de l'église du Christ Pantocrator de Constantinople. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 218–233.
Spieser, Jean-Michel.
Le monastère du Pantocrator à Constantinople : le typikon et le monument. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 202–217.
Bollók, Ádám.
Byzantium on the Theiss : of Byzantine diplomacy, the emperor's image and the Avars. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 166–181.
Blume, Dieter.
Rom im Exil – die fiktiven Räume des Matteo Giovanetti in Avignon. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 74–87.
Cvetković, Branislav, Hahn, Cynthia.
Imperial aspirations : relics and reliquaries of the Byzantine periphery. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 182–201.
Michalsky, Tanja.
Grata pictura and mapa duplex : Paolino Minorita's late medieval map of Rome as an epistemological instrument of a historiographer. Convivium. 2015, roč. 2, č. 1, s. 38–59.
Shashlova, Ekaterina.
Russian philosophers in France in the interwar period : a review of the studies of emigrant philosophers. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 32–49.
Palladino, Adrien.
Transforming medieval art from Saint Petersburg to Paris : André Grabar's life and scholarship between 1917 and 1945. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 122–141.
Milbach, Juliette.
Zinaida Serebrjakova in Paris : iconographic analysis of a Russian in exile. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 50–63.
Pichon-Bonin, Cécile.
The Russian illustrators of the Père Castor : Russian mediators in France of the concept of construction in art and pedagogy in the 1930s. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 80–99.
Foletti, Ivan.
After Kondakov : the heritage of Russian emigration in the Czech lands. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 10–29.
Ljuckanov, Jordan.
The Russian émigré community in interwar Bulgaria : attempt at a typology of transformations, with focus on the "aestheticization" of newspaper. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 100–121.
Foletti, Karolina.
Presenting Russia to the West : Helene Iswolsky, Russian Catholic émigré intellectual. Convivium. 2020, roč. 7, č. Supplementum, s. 64–79.
Boreczky, Anna.
Classical heritage & medieval innovation : introduction. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 15–19.
Németh, András.
Continuous narration through scenic depictions : the Apollonius pictus. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 106–121.
Barral i Altet, Xavier.
Au sujet des architectures de l'Apollonius pictus : autour de la transmission de modèles à travers le Haut Moyen Âge. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 92–105.
Guardia, Milagros.
Iratusque est Cain vehementer... : Cain being wroth: a gap in the iconographic transmission in the Pyrenees. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 136–153.
Kessler, Herbert L..
The Christianity of Carolingian classicism. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 22–39.
Bollók, Ádám.
Rediscovering antiquities and reviving the past : Byzantium during the 9th and 10th centuries. Convivium. 2016, roč. 3, č. 1, s. 60–75.