Název: Diskurz o waqfu v Egyptě v první polovině 20. století
Variantní název:
- The discourse on waqf in Egypt in the first half of the 20th century
Zdrojový dokument: Religio. 2009, roč. 17, č. 2, s. [185]-208
ISSN1210-3640 (print)2336-4475 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/125294
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
The depiction of waqf in terms of the dichotomy distinguishing between waqf khayrī (charitable endowment) and waqf ahlī (family endowment) seems to be insufficient in the context of pre-modern Islamic societies. Still, this dichotomy is frequently invoked by many scholars in the field of waqf studies. This article inquires into the origins of this concept. Using the example of Egypt in the first three decades of the 20th century, it explains the processes through which a redefinition of the significance of waqf was implemented and fixed in different journalistic and juridical texts. New definitions of waqf thus found their way into modern scholarship and have affected our comprehension of its pre-modern manifestations.