Hesychius on Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α

Název: Hesychius on Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α
Zdrojový dokument: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2015, roč. 20, č. 2, s. [33]-43
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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The paper deals with two geographical glosses transmitted by Hesychius of Alexandria: Καρνησσόπολις · Λύκτος ἡ Κρητικὴ οὕτως ἐκαλεῖτο (HAL κ-840) and Τρίτ[τ]α · οὕτως ἡ Κνωσσὸς ὠνομάζετο (HAL τ-1434). It is suggested that Καρνησσόπολις and Τρίτ[τ]α cannot be identified with Lyctus and Knossos, respectively. Both of the place-names under discussion refer to separate settlements, strongly connected with the capital cities. The toponym Καρνησσόπολις should be identified with an ancient town located by the village of Κανασός (< Doric Greek *Καρνᾱσός) near Gonies, i.e. about 8 km north-east of the ancient city of Lyctus. The toponym Τρίτ[τ]α, attested as ti-ri-to in Linear B texts from Knossos, could refer to an ancient settlement with the sanctuary of Athena Tritogeneia, located near the modern village of Astritsi (Mod. Gk. Αστρίτσι), i.e. about 9 km south of Knossos.
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