Spaces for Miracles : constructing sacred space through the body, from Conques to the Mediterranean, and beyond

Název: Spaces for Miracles : constructing sacred space through the body, from Conques to the Mediterranean, and beyond
Variantní název:
  • Zázraky, tělo a vytváření posvátného prostoru : od Conques po Středomoří a ještě dále
Autor: Foletti, Ivan
Zdrojový dokument: Convivium. 2022, roč. 9, č. 1, s. [168]-185
  • ISSN
    2336-3452 (print)
    2336-808X (online)
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence
Přístupová práva
plný text nepřístupný

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Reconstruction of the basilica that preceded the present abbey church at Conques lends itself to exploring the notion of "sacred space". Like its successor, the original basilica, probably built around 900, was dedicated to St Foy and held her remains. Textual evidence, augmented with (albeit scarce) archeological data, enables a reconstruction of what emerges as an unusual building containing a "physical" sacred space clearly conceived as a place into which the whole cult of St Foy could be "condensed". At the same time, textual evidence, mainly in the Liber miraculorum sanctae Fidis, hints at the existence of a "mental" sacred space in which specific movements performed in venerating the saint, as well as the comings and goings of pilgrims and other worshippers, formed a sacred space that was more fluid but no less central to understanding Conques as a place of devotion. Going farther, the analysis here suggests a notion of "sacred space" that includes the terrain surrounding a place of devotion: once worshippers' senses of hearing, sight, and touch were activated, the natural setting itself became a place of holiness and protection.
The research for this article has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007770 – conques: "Conques in the Global World. Transferring Knowledge: From Material to Immaterial Heritage".