Název: La basilique Sainte-Foy de Conques agressée ou restaurée? : interventions et attitudes qui ont transformé le monument (XIXe–XXe siècles) : architecture, sculpture, vitraux
Zdrojový dokument: Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. [140]-156
ISSN2336-3452 (print)2336-808X (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80973
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence
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The Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy in Conques stands as both a defining monument of the twelfth century and a testament to the restorations of the nineteenth and twenty-first centuries. This study explores the evolving attitudes and interventions that have shaped its architecture, sculptural legacy, and stained glass. Focus on these three areas reveals how the decisions of architects, restorers, and cultural figures are deeply rooted in specific historical contexts. The case of Conques vividly illustrates how heritage and religious policies, fluctuating budgets and patrons, aesthetic shifts, functional adaptations, and even the rise of mass tourism have all contributed to the site's ongoing transformation.
La recherche pour cet article a été conduite dans le cadre du programme Horizon Europe MSCA No. 101007770 – conques: "Conques in the Global World".