Title: Studia paedagogica
Rok: 2024
Ročník: 29
Číslo: 3
Název čísla
Learning outcomes in schools: policies and practices
2336-4521 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.81347
- Editors: Martin Sedláček, Paula Koršňáková, Jana Straková
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Learning outcomes in schools: policies and practices : editorial | [4]–6
Sedláček, Martin; Koršňáková, Paulína; Straková, Jana |
Title | Document |
Achievement in the light of aspects of student well-being and teacher attitudes : the case of Slovenia | [7]–29
Japelj Pavešić, Barbara; Šterman Ivančič, Klaudija; Cankar, Gašper |
If they talk more during lessons, will they achieve better? : unlocking the reciprocal relationship between student verbal participation and achievement | [30]–51
Sedláček, Martin; Šeďová, Klára; Švaříček, Roman; Šalamounová, Zuzana |
From policy to practice : monitoring SDG targets with PIRLS 2021 Austrian data | [52]–79
Van Staden, Surette; Grobler, Sunet |
Analyzing student performance in connection with learning disorders and extracurricular activities in foreign language classes | [80]–105
Hegedűs, Roland; Sebestyén, Krisztina |
Innovation in the final assessment of student learning outcomes (report cards) : the process of change and its impacts on school practice | [106]–141
Grombířová, Julie; Kratochvílová, Jana |