Surrogate grandparents as actors in intergenerational learning

Název: Surrogate grandparents as actors in intergenerational learning
Zdrojový dokument: Studia paedagogica. 2015, roč. 20, č. 4, s. [85]-107
  • ISSN
    1803-7437 (print)
    2336-4521 (online)
Type: Článek
Licence: Neurčená licence

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Current social changes that also affect the situation in the Czech Republic have raised considerable interest in intergenerational learning and in the senior generation as participants in it. The very forms that the lives of seniors assume are undergoing radical changes, as is their role in the family. In addition to the grandparent role lived within the biological family, in which an individual becomes a grandparent at the moment their children become parents, there are alternative grandparent roles. One example of this is "surrogate grandparenthood," i.e. one reflecting a social rather than biological relationship between the child and the senior. In the present text, we link the topic of intergenerational learning and surrogate grandparenthood. The questions we asked were: How does intergenerational learning take place? What is the role of surrogate grandmothers as actors in the process of intergenerational learning? What is the content of this learning, i.e. what is transmitted within intergenerational learning? What are the methods used in this kind of learning? To qualify as intergenerational learning in our study, learning had to take place between the surrogate grandmother and the mother in the family where the surrogate grandparenting was provided.
This article is an output of the project Intergenerational Learning in Various Social Environments (GA13-07234S) funded by the Czech Science Foundation.
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