Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 30 z celkového počtu 1131
Dobozy, Tamas, Blake, Jason.
"Flavours of meaning" : an interview with Tamas Dobozy. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 5–9.
Kürtösi, Katalin, Gadpaille, Michelle, Blake, Jason, Kyloušek, Petr, Staines, David, Rau, Albert.
Don Sparling at 80. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 11–17.
Gadpaille, Michelle.
Pandemic, prophecy, and politics in Mary Shelley and Emily St John Mandel. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 19–38.
Andrei, Carmen, Oprea, Delia.
Nature, paysages et identité : perspectives symboliques dans Les ombres filantes de Christian Guay-Poliquin. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 39–50.
Szamosi, Gertrud.
Exploring the transnational in Shauna Singh Baldwin's We Are Not in Pakistan. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 51–61.
Kováč, Stanislav.
Perceptions and misperceptions of Canadian realia among Slovak students of English. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 63–76.
Deirani, Rasha.
Hyphenated identities : integration and belonging in Korean-Canadian narratives. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 77–87.
Andrei, Carmen.
Métamorphoses identitaires et paysage dans Le poids de la neige de Christian Guay-Poliquin. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 89–100.
Greilinger, Szonja.
Translating Carleigh Baker's "Last Woman". The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 101–112.
Devine, Michael.
A post-colonial Canadian in Cairo and Kraljevo : theatre, interculturality and politics in BoxWhatBox 2023. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 113–122.
Kodó, Krisztina.
[Taylor, Drew Hayden (ed.). Me tomorrow: indigenous views on the future]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 123–125.
Blake, Jason.
[Moore, Lisa (ed.). Best Canadian stories 2024]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 127–131.
Sparling, Don.
[Runtić, Sanja; Marešová, Jana; Kolinská, Klára (eds.). (Un)Following in Winnetou's footsteps: representations of North American indigeneity in Central Europe]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 133–139.
Žárská, Lenka.
Translation of language varieties in the Flemish dubbing of Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2019, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 23–34.
Čapek, Jan, Plevíková, Ivana.
The foresight in hindsight : the new pathways in North American Studies conference report. Theory and Practice in English Studies. 2019, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 113–122.
Martínez Serrano, Leonor María.
The stars on the page, the voice in the sky : myth, Ovid and the Cree elders in Robert Bringhurst's Ursa Major. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 149–165.
Kodó, Krisztina.
Bridging transcultural boundaries in Carroll Aikins's play The God of Gods: A Canadian Play. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 127–137.
Prada, Georgeta.
Voix identitaires et intimes dans Tout ce qu'on ne te dira pas, Mongo. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 63–75.
Voldřichová Beránková, Eva.
Américanisation versus américanité : cadre théorique et manifestations pratiques dans le roman québécois contemporain. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 139–147.
Paek, Lindsey.
Influences of parents on ethnic identity negotiation of Korean immigrant youths in Canada. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 35–45.
Molnár, Judit.
[Vígh, Árpád. Kék mezöben fehér liliom: a francia-kanadai irodalom története]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 169–171.
Palla, Mária.
[Molnár, Judit, ed. Different perspectives on Canada from inside and outside: multidisciplinary approaches]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 171–174.
Horáková, Martina.
Writing life and baking bread : Beth Brant's multiple identities in Writing as witness. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 19–28.
Primorac, Antonija.
"Not this, not that" : in-between identities in The in-between world of Vikram Lall by M.G. Vassanji. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 133–142.
Albu, Rodica.
[Dimitriu-Panaitescu, Corina, ed. Canada francofonă: dicţionar de autori. A-B. ; Ciobanu, Carmen, ed. Canada anglofonă: dicţionar de autori. A-B]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 163–164.
Casagranda, Mirko.
Switching identity in multicultural Canadian literature : codeswitching as a discursive strategy and a marker of identity construction. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 77–87.
Cartigny, Florence.
Religion in Canadian right-wing parties. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 69–76.
Etinson, Adam Daniel.
Aboriginal oral history evidence and Canadian law. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 97–104.
Domines Veliki, Martina.
Archibald Lampman's "Nature" poetry as reflecting the (im)possibility of construing Canadian identity. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 143–153.
Molnár, Judit.
Narrating the Homeland : the importance of places in Nino Ricci's Lives of the saints. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2008, roč. 6, č. [1], s. 29–35.