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Zobrazují se záznamy 3301 - 3325 z celkového počtu 5344

Tsivos, Konstantinos. The Greek Civil War in the Czech press. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 65–87.

Kulhánková, Markéta. [Smetanová, Pavla; Koreček, Yiannis. Řecká ruleta : příběhy lidí v nejisté době]. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 129–131.

Králová, Kateřina. Έλληνες στη σοσιαλιστική Γιουγκοσλαβία: μειονότητα που εξαφανίστηκε. Neograeca Bohemica. 2013, roč. 13, č. [1], s. 17–42.

Loudová, Kateřina, Kulhánková, Markéta. Editorial. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 11–[12].

List of contributors. Neograeca Bohemica. 2015, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 135.

Pospíšil, Tomáš. Going down the road for the Red violin : a certain tendency in recent Canadian cinema. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 17–24.

Contributors. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 107–108.

Kádár, Judit Ágnes. From white vs. native to white and native - going Indian, playing Indian and identifying with first nations values. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 77–86.

Klepač, Tihana. Susanna Moodie's Roughing it in the bush : a female contribution to the creation of an imagined Canadian community. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 65–75.

Albu, Rodica. [Canadian voices: an anthology of prose and poetry by emerging Canadian writers. Volume one]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 93–94.

Otrísalová, Lucia. Listening to voices from elsewhere : CanLit going global. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 25–31.

Jovanović, Aleksandra V.. The representation of "home" – the novels of Vladimir Tasic. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 45–51.

Blake, Jason, Blades, Joe. Better developed critical Canadian Studies? : an interview with poet and publisher Joe Blades. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 7–13.

Gadpaille, Michelle. [Finley, Robert. The accidental Indies]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 101–103.

Kenyeres, János. [Kürtösi, Katalin. "Világok találkoznak": a "másik" irodalmi ábrázolása Kanadában ("Worlds meet": the literary representation of the 'other' in Canada)]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 95–97.

Georgescu, Delia. Les gens et les marées. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 53–64.

Devine, Michael. [Cadigan, Sean T. Newfoundland and Labrador: a history]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 97–100.

Molnár, Judit. Such a longjourney (1991) : topophilic sentiments in Rohinton Mistry. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2011, roč. 7, č. [1], s. 33–43.

Duerr, Glen M. E.. Playing for the "Bleu et Blanc" or for the Habs: Ice hockey and Québécois nationalism. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2016, roč. 10-11, č. [1], s. 11–29.

Lénárt-Muszka, Attila. [Molnár,Judit. Narrating the Homeland: The importance of space and place in Canadian multicultural English-language fiction]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2016, roč. 10-11, č. [1], s. 160–162.

Glišić Dunović, Marija. Deconstructing indigenous feminism: A view from the other side. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2016, roč. 10-11, č. [1], s. 107–118.

Aslani, Stella. Yann Martel's Life of Pi as a reflection of the True Self. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2016, roč. 10-11, č. [1], s. 91–106.