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Zobrazují se záznamy 1776 - 1800 z celkového počtu 1806

Hitcheva, Dobromira. Canadian terminologists on terminological collocations. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 131–136.

Horáková, Martina. A lesson to be learned : reclaiming the region in Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 137–147.

Novaković, Jelena. La "culture hybride" de l'écrivain migrant. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 237–244.

Paluszkiewicz–Misiaczek, Magdalena. Canadian policy towards veterans : from WWI to Afghanistan. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 245–255.

Paprašarovski, Marija. Diversité sexuelle et dignité de l'homme dans la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 257–265.

Perianova, Irina. Food as a paradigm of acculturation. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 267–274.

Přibylová, Irena. True confessions : Canadian literature for young readers after 2001. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 275–280.

Soroka, Tomasz. Monarchy in Canada : its rise, evolution and future. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 281–292.

Truhlářová, Jana. Maria Chapdelaine de Louis Hémon et le roman du terroir : mythe révolu ou réalité de l'espace canadien français ?. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 299–307.

Sparling, Don. Canada – Hic sunt bestiae. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 293–298.

Alexiev, Boyan. Specialized dictionaries for learners : a Canadian perspective. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 13–19.

Andrei, Carmen. Considérations sur les stéréotypes socioculturels reflétés dans la littérature canadienne francophone. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 21–28.

Anton, Alina–Elena. Articulating a hyphenated conscience : the racialized artist in Roy Kiyooka's Pacific Rim Letters. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 29–36.

Avramova, Galina. Postmodern strategies : palimpsest in Timothy Findley's novel Pilgrim. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 37–48.

Benczik, Vera. The woman in the land : space, insanity and textualization in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 49–56.

Bottez, Monica. Absurdism and the Canadian picture of a communist dictator. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 57–65.

Bujnowska, Ewelina. Le Canada, une Terre Promise? : l'espace canadien dans La terre promise, Remember! de Noël Audet. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 67–74.

Costandache, Ana–Elena. Maria Chapdelaine de Louis Hémon: du livre au film. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 75–80.

Constantin, Andreea Raluca. The 'imaginary' Métis in Margaret Laurence's Manawaka. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 81–92.

David, Charles–Philippe, Jockel, Joseph T.. The maple leaf forever? : Canadian foreign policy under US influence. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 93–103.

Molnár, Judit. Sense of belonging determined by spatial markers in Nino Ricci's In a Glass House. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 221–226.

Nadeau-Saumier, Monique. Un patrimoine bâti identitaire : la diversité de l'architecture religieuse protestante des Cantons-de-l'Est du Québec. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 227–235.

Mazurek, Marica. Volunteering and social inclusion of seniors : the case of Canada and selected European countries. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 211–220.