Title: Theory and Practice in English Studies
Rok: 2022
Ročník: 11
Číslo: 1
Název čísla
Many ghosts of Hamlet
Rok vydání
1805-0859 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/145111
- Edited by Anna Mikyšková
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Editorial | 7–10
Mikyšková, Anna |
Title | Document |
"How he met the spectator's heart and held it tight" : on F. L. Schröder's and J. F. H. Brockmann's Hamlet in eighteenth-century Germany | 13–30
Berselli, Beatrice |
Title | Document |
"And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain, to tell my story" : the reception of Hamlet in Pilsen theatres | 31–47
Mišterová, Ivona |
Title | Document |
"More things in heaven and earth" : new directions in Hamlet adaptations | 49–59
Livingstone, David |
Title | Document |
Hamlet/Hamnet : haunted by "the poison of deep grief" | 61–75
DePrado, Jarrod |
Title | Document |
East meets West at Tiananmen Square : Does Lin Zhaohua's post-Tiananmen Hamlet catch the conscience of Beijing? | 77–94
Stafford-Mills, Yvonne Nicolle |
Title | Document |
Hamlet, Prince of Japan : examining the translations and performances of Japanese Hamlet | 95–111
Maxwell, Ashley-Marie |
Title | Document |
Textual variants: What happens to them in translation? : some reflections on the Polish critical editions of Hamlet | 113–122
Godlewski, Mateusz |
Title | Document |
200 years of Romanian Hamlet retlanslation : ghosts of the source text? | 123–140
Vișan, Nadina; Protopopescu, Daria |
Title | Document |
Singing Hamlet : Bob Dylan's take on the classic | 143–150
Weiss, Michaela |
Title | Document |
Her Majesty's Shakespeare : Shakespearean echoes in songs by Queen | 151–159
Krajník, Filip |
Title | Document |
An interview with Kareen Seidler on early modern German Hamlet, its importance for Hamlet studies, and its new translation into English | 163–171
Mikyšková, Anna; Seidler, Kareen |
Title | Document |
An interview with Pavel Drábek on translating Shakespeare in theory and practice | 173–183
Krajník, Filip; Drábek, Pavel |
Title | Document |
Production review: Double Hamlet – double trouble | 185–190
Kyselová, Eva; Škrobánková, Klára |
Title | Document |
An interview with Jakub Čermák on Hamlet, Depressive Children and the difference between official and independent Czech scenes | 191–197
Zahálka, Michal; Čermák, Jakub |
Title | Document |
Book Review: Hamlet - the next Danish idol | 199–203
Kyselová, Eva |
Title | Document |
An interview with Kateřina Fürbachová on illustrating Hamlet (and Ophelia), fashion and ecological activism through art | 205–211
Mikyšková, Anna; Fürbachová, Kateřina |