Title: Vedení internacionalizace vysokých škol
Variant title:
- University internationalization projects management
Source document: Studia paedagogica. 2009, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. [107]-130
ISSN1803-7437 (print)2336-4521 (online)
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/115402
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Příspěvek se zabývá otázkou, jak internacionalizovat vysoké školy. Pro lepší porozumění konceptu internacionalizace a zvolených metodologických rámců ve výzkumu je nejprve představen teoretický kontext a vývoj mezinárodního vzdělávání se zaměřením na vzdělávací politiku vybraných zemí. Ve výzkumné z právě, která vychází z případové studie týkající se internacionalizace na vybrané fakultě v ČR, se autorka zaměřuje především na roli vedení instituce, vedení jednotlivých součástí fakulty a na roli zahraničního oddělení v procesu internacionalizace. Zjištění jsou uvedena v teoretickém kontextu, ze kterého vyplývají doporučení a otázky k širší diskusi.
The paper addresses the question how internationalization should be approached at universities. To mediate understanding of the concept of internationalization, the author opens the paper with a brief outline of the theoretical context and history of international education with focus on enducational [i.e. educational] policies of selected faculty in the Czech Republic, focusing on the role of institutional management, management of int units and the role of foreign contacts departments in the process of internationalization. The findings are discussed in theoretical context, which is also used of formulate recommendations for further developments in the given faculty.
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[2] BERGKNUT, K. Case study: Malmö University, Sweden. In International Office Newsletter, 2006. Dostupné z http://www.mah.se/upload/GF/internationellt/EAIE%20Toolkit%20IaH%20case%20study%20Malmo.pdf
[3] CHELIMSKY, E., CHADISH, W. R. Evaluation for the 21st Century. A Handbook. London: Thousand Oaks, 1997.
[4] CROWTHER, P. Internationlisation at home – institutional implications. In CROWTHER, P., JORIS, M., OTTEN, M., NILSSON, B., TEEKENS, H., WACHTER, B. Internationalisation at Home. A Position Paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[5] DAVIES, J. L. Developing a Strategy for Internationalization in Universtities: Towards a Conceptual Framework. In KLASEK, C. B. (Ed.) Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992. s. 177–189.
[6] De WIT, H. Rationales for internationalization of higher education, §§2008§§. Dostupné z http://www.ipv.pt/milenium/wit11htm
[7] Dlouhodobý záměr vzdělávací a vědecké, výzkumné, vývojové, umělecké a další tvůrčí činnosti pro oblast vysokých škol na období 2006–2010. In Aula, 2006, Vol 13, č. 04.
[8] ECKEL, P., HILL, B. & GREEN, M. On Change IV. Riding the Waves of change: Insights from Transforming Institutions. Washington: ACE, 2001.
[9] ELLINGBOE, B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999.
[10] FULLAN, M. G. Change Forces. Probing the Depths of Educational Reform. Philadephia: Falmer Press, 1998.
[11] GREEN, M. F., OLSON, C. Internationalizing the Campus: A User's guide. Washington, DC: ACE, 2003.
[12] HARARI, M. Internationalization of the Curriculum. In KLASEK, C. B. (Ed.) Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992.
[13] HENSON, J. B., NOEL, J. C., GILLARD-BYERS, T. E. & INGLE, M. D. Internationalizing U. S. Universities: Preliminary summary of National Study. In ELL INGBOE B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999.
[14] HENDL, J. Kvalitativní výzkum: základní metody a aplikace. Praha: Portál, 2005.
[15] JANEBOVÁ, E. Internationalization of Higher Education (Dizertační práce). Praha: Karlova univerzita, 2008.
[16] KELLER, G. The change masters: Innovation for productivity in the American Corporation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
[17] KLASEK, C. B. The University Ethos: The Spark, The Flame, The Fire. In KLASEK, C. (Ed). Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992, s. 195–207.
[18] KNIGHT, J., DEWIT, H. Strategies for internationalisation of higher education: a Comparative study of Australia, Canada, Europe, and the USA. Hág: Nuffic, 1995.
[19] LAWLOR, H. School Development Planning. In SPER, E. C. Primary management and leadership towards 2000. Londýn: Longmann, 2000. s. 94–101.
[20] MATĚJŮ, P., STRAKOVÁ, J. et al. Nerovné šance na vzdělání. Vzdělanostní nerovnosti v ČR. Praha: Academia, 2006.
[21] MIŇHOVÁ, J., HOLEČEK, V., JIŘINCOVÁ, B. & PRUNNER, P. Vybrané problémy z psychologie managementu a leadershipu ve školství. Plzeň: Západočeské univerzita, 1994.
[22] MERRYFIELD, M., JARCHOW, E. & PICKERT, S. Preparing teachers to teach global perspectives: A Handbook for teacher educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. In ELLINGBOE, B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999. s. 69–69.
[23] MESTENHAUSER, A. J. Portraits of International Curriculum. In Mestenhauser, A. J., ELLINGBOE, B. Reforming Higher Education Curriculum: Internationalizing our Campuses. Phoenix, AZ: ORYX Press, 1998. s. 3–39.
[24] MESTENHUASER, A. J. Dual Functions of International Education Professionals. In ALLAN, H. (Ed). International Education: towards a critical perspective. Amsterdam: European Association for International Education (EAIE), 2000b, s. 31–50.
[25] NILSSON, B. Internationalising the curriculum. In CROWTHER, P., JOR IS, M., OTTEN, M., NILSSON, B., TEEKENS, H., WACHTER, B. Internationalisation at Home. A Position Paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[26] NOVÁČEK, L. Mobility studentů v rámci projektu Socrates/Erasmus. In Aula, 2005, Vol.13 Num. 3. str. 72–75.
[27] OECD. Internationalising the Curriculum in Higher Education. In Shan, F. Portrait of Internationalized curriculum at the University of Saskatchewan. Disertační práce, 2008. Dostupné z http://library2.usask.ca/theses/available/etd-03192008181508/unrestricted/Thesis.pdf.
[28] OECD. Thematice Review of Tertiary Education: Country Bakcground Report for the Czech Republic. CSVŠ, 2006. Dostupné z http://www.msmt.cz/uploads/report_czech_FINAL_vse_dohromady.pdf
[29] OTTEN, M. Impacts of cultural diversity at home. In CROWTHER, P. JORIS, M. OTTEN. M, TEEKENS, WACHTER. B, & NILSSON, B. Internationalization at home: A position paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[30] PAIGE, R. M., MESTENHAUSER, A. J. Internationalizing Educational Administration. In Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol. 35, No 4. Washington, D.C: The University Council for Educational Administration, 1999. s. 500–517.
[31] POL, M. Škola v proměnách. Brno: MU, 2007.
[32] POL, M., HLOUŠKOVÁ, L., NOVOTNÝ, P., ZOUNEK, J. (eds.). Kultura školy. Příspěvek k výzkumu a rozvoji. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006.
[33] SENGE, P. Fifth discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organizations. NY: DoubleDay Currency, 1990.
[34] SKUHROVÁ, Š., ŠEBKOVÁ, H., ZÁRUBA, L. Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Guide for International Students. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokých škol, 2005.
[35] Světová banka. In MATĚJŮ, P., STRAKOVÁ, J. Na cestě ke znalostní společnosti. Kde jsme? Praha: ISEA, 2005.
[36] ŠEBKOVÁ, H., NOVÁČEK, L. The Czech Republic. In KELO, M., TEICHLER, U., WÄCHTER, B. (eds.) Eurodata. Student mobility in European higher education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlags and Mediengesselchaft, 2006.
[37] ŠVAŘÍČEK, R., ŠEĎOVÁ, K. a kol. Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogické vědách. Praha: Portál, 2007. ISBN 80-7376-313-4.
[2] BERGKNUT, K. Case study: Malmö University, Sweden. In International Office Newsletter, 2006. Dostupné z http://www.mah.se/upload/GF/internationellt/EAIE%20Toolkit%20IaH%20case%20study%20Malmo.pdf
[3] CHELIMSKY, E., CHADISH, W. R. Evaluation for the 21st Century. A Handbook. London: Thousand Oaks, 1997.
[4] CROWTHER, P. Internationlisation at home – institutional implications. In CROWTHER, P., JORIS, M., OTTEN, M., NILSSON, B., TEEKENS, H., WACHTER, B. Internationalisation at Home. A Position Paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[5] DAVIES, J. L. Developing a Strategy for Internationalization in Universtities: Towards a Conceptual Framework. In KLASEK, C. B. (Ed.) Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992. s. 177–189.
[6] De WIT, H. Rationales for internationalization of higher education, §§2008§§. Dostupné z http://www.ipv.pt/milenium/wit11htm
[7] Dlouhodobý záměr vzdělávací a vědecké, výzkumné, vývojové, umělecké a další tvůrčí činnosti pro oblast vysokých škol na období 2006–2010. In Aula, 2006, Vol 13, č. 04.
[8] ECKEL, P., HILL, B. & GREEN, M. On Change IV. Riding the Waves of change: Insights from Transforming Institutions. Washington: ACE, 2001.
[9] ELLINGBOE, B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999.
[10] FULLAN, M. G. Change Forces. Probing the Depths of Educational Reform. Philadephia: Falmer Press, 1998.
[11] GREEN, M. F., OLSON, C. Internationalizing the Campus: A User's guide. Washington, DC: ACE, 2003.
[12] HARARI, M. Internationalization of the Curriculum. In KLASEK, C. B. (Ed.) Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992.
[13] HENSON, J. B., NOEL, J. C., GILLARD-BYERS, T. E. & INGLE, M. D. Internationalizing U. S. Universities: Preliminary summary of National Study. In ELL INGBOE B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999.
[14] HENDL, J. Kvalitativní výzkum: základní metody a aplikace. Praha: Portál, 2005.
[15] JANEBOVÁ, E. Internationalization of Higher Education (Dizertační práce). Praha: Karlova univerzita, 2008.
[16] KELLER, G. The change masters: Innovation for productivity in the American Corporation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1983.
[17] KLASEK, C. B. The University Ethos: The Spark, The Flame, The Fire. In KLASEK, C. (Ed). Bridges to the Future – Strategies for internationalizing higher education. Carbondale Association of International Education Administrators Secretariat. Washington: State University, 1992, s. 195–207.
[18] KNIGHT, J., DEWIT, H. Strategies for internationalisation of higher education: a Comparative study of Australia, Canada, Europe, and the USA. Hág: Nuffic, 1995.
[19] LAWLOR, H. School Development Planning. In SPER, E. C. Primary management and leadership towards 2000. Londýn: Longmann, 2000. s. 94–101.
[20] MATĚJŮ, P., STRAKOVÁ, J. et al. Nerovné šance na vzdělání. Vzdělanostní nerovnosti v ČR. Praha: Academia, 2006.
[21] MIŇHOVÁ, J., HOLEČEK, V., JIŘINCOVÁ, B. & PRUNNER, P. Vybrané problémy z psychologie managementu a leadershipu ve školství. Plzeň: Západočeské univerzita, 1994.
[22] MERRYFIELD, M., JARCHOW, E. & PICKERT, S. Preparing teachers to teach global perspectives: A Handbook for teacher educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. In ELLINGBOE, B. J. Internationalizing the Private Liberal Arts College: A Comparative, Five-College Case Study of Components, Strategies, and Recommendations. PhD Thesis. University of Minnesota. UMI: Ann Argot, 1999. s. 69–69.
[23] MESTENHAUSER, A. J. Portraits of International Curriculum. In Mestenhauser, A. J., ELLINGBOE, B. Reforming Higher Education Curriculum: Internationalizing our Campuses. Phoenix, AZ: ORYX Press, 1998. s. 3–39.
[24] MESTENHUASER, A. J. Dual Functions of International Education Professionals. In ALLAN, H. (Ed). International Education: towards a critical perspective. Amsterdam: European Association for International Education (EAIE), 2000b, s. 31–50.
[25] NILSSON, B. Internationalising the curriculum. In CROWTHER, P., JOR IS, M., OTTEN, M., NILSSON, B., TEEKENS, H., WACHTER, B. Internationalisation at Home. A Position Paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[26] NOVÁČEK, L. Mobility studentů v rámci projektu Socrates/Erasmus. In Aula, 2005, Vol.13 Num. 3. str. 72–75.
[27] OECD. Internationalising the Curriculum in Higher Education. In Shan, F. Portrait of Internationalized curriculum at the University of Saskatchewan. Disertační práce, 2008. Dostupné z http://library2.usask.ca/theses/available/etd-03192008181508/unrestricted/Thesis.pdf.
[28] OECD. Thematice Review of Tertiary Education: Country Bakcground Report for the Czech Republic. CSVŠ, 2006. Dostupné z http://www.msmt.cz/uploads/report_czech_FINAL_vse_dohromady.pdf
[29] OTTEN, M. Impacts of cultural diversity at home. In CROWTHER, P. JORIS, M. OTTEN. M, TEEKENS, WACHTER. B, & NILSSON, B. Internationalization at home: A position paper. Amsterdam: EAIE, 2000.
[30] PAIGE, R. M., MESTENHAUSER, A. J. Internationalizing Educational Administration. In Educational Administration Quarterly, Vol. 35, No 4. Washington, D.C: The University Council for Educational Administration, 1999. s. 500–517.
[31] POL, M. Škola v proměnách. Brno: MU, 2007.
[32] POL, M., HLOUŠKOVÁ, L., NOVOTNÝ, P., ZOUNEK, J. (eds.). Kultura školy. Příspěvek k výzkumu a rozvoji. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2006.
[33] SENGE, P. Fifth discipline. The Art and Practice of the Learning Organizations. NY: DoubleDay Currency, 1990.
[34] SKUHROVÁ, Š., ŠEBKOVÁ, H., ZÁRUBA, L. Higher Education in the Czech Republic, Guide for International Students. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokých škol, 2005.
[35] Světová banka. In MATĚJŮ, P., STRAKOVÁ, J. Na cestě ke znalostní společnosti. Kde jsme? Praha: ISEA, 2005.
[36] ŠEBKOVÁ, H., NOVÁČEK, L. The Czech Republic. In KELO, M., TEICHLER, U., WÄCHTER, B. (eds.) Eurodata. Student mobility in European higher education. Bonn: Lemmens Verlags and Mediengesselchaft, 2006.
[37] ŠVAŘÍČEK, R., ŠEĎOVÁ, K. a kol. Kvalitativní výzkum v pedagogické vědách. Praha: Portál, 2007. ISBN 80-7376-313-4.