Název: A functional view of "ordo naturalis"
Variantní název:
- Funkční pohled na tzv. "přirozený sled" ("ordo naturalis")
Zdrojový dokument: Brno studies in English. 1979, roč. 13, č. 1, s. 29-59
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/118085
Type: Článek
Jazyk shrnutí
Licence: Neurčená licence
Upozornění: Tyto citace jsou generovány automaticky. Nemusí být zcela správně podle citačních pravidel.
[1] Adamec, P. (1966). Porjadok slov v sovremennom russkom jazyke (Prague).
[2] Bauer, J.—Grepl, M. (1972). Skladba spisovné češtiny [The syntax of Standard Czech] (Prague).
[3] Benešová, E. 1968. O sémantickém charakteru českého slovosledu [On the semantic character of Czech word order], Slovo a slovesnost 29.34—41 (Prague).
[4] Benešová, E. (1971). Některé otázky aktuálního členění a slovosledu v čestině [Some questions of functional sentence perspective and word order in Czech], Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Philologica, Slavica Pragensia 13.179—98 (Prague).
[5] Bierwisch, M. (1968). Two critical problems in accent rules, Journal of Linguistics 4.173—8 (London-New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700001870
[6] Bolinger, D. L. (1952). Linear modification, Publications of the Modern Language Association 67.1117—44; reprinted in D. L. Bolinger, Forms of English 279—307 (Tokyo 1965). | DOI 10.2307/459963
[7] Daneš, Fr. (1957). Intonace a věta ve spisovné češtině [Sentence intonation in Present-Day Standard Czech] (Prague).
[8] Daneš, Fr. (1964). A three-level approach to syntax, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.225—40 (Prague)
[9] Daneš, Fr. (1967). Order of sentence elements and sentence intonation, To Honor Roman Jakobson 449—512 (The Hague).
[10] Dvořáková, E. (= Golková, E.) (1964). On the English and Czech situational adverbs in functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 4.129—42 (Prague).
[11] Firbas, J. (1959). Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech, Brno Studies in English 1.39—68 (Prague).
[12] Firbas, J. (1961). Ještě k postavení příslovečného určení v angličtině a češtině z hlediska aktuálního členění větného (Dovětek k článku E. Dvořákové) [Another note on the position of the situational adverbs in English and Czech. (An afterthought on E. Dvořáková's article)], Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 9.153—6 (Brno).
[13] Firbas, J. (1962). Notes on the function of the sentence in the act of communication, Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 10.133 — 48 (Brno).
[14] Firbas, J. (1964). On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.267-80 (Prague).
[15] Firbas, J. (1965). A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis, Philologica Pragensia 8.170—6 (Prague).
[16] Firbas, J. (1966). Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.239—56 (Prague); reprinted in W. A. Koch (ed.), Strukturelle Textanalyse 23—40 (Hildesheim-New York 1972).
[17] Firbas, J. (1968). On the prosodic features of the Modern English finite verb as a means of functional sentence perspective (More thoughts on transition proper), Brno Studies in English 7.11—48 (Brno).
[18] Firbas, J. (1969). On the prosodic features of the Modern English finite verb-object combination as means of functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 8.49—50 (Brno).
[19] Firbas, J. (1971). On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective, Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 19.135—44 (Brno).
[20] Firbas, J. (1972). On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of functional sentence perspective, The Prague School of Linguistics and language teaching, ed. by V. Fried (London).
[21] Firbas, J. (1976). A study in the functional perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence, Brno Studies in English 12.9—56 (Brno).
[22] Gunter, R. (1966). On the placement of accent in dialogue, Journal of Linguistics 2.159—73 (London—New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700001456
[23] Halliday, M. A. K. (1967). Notes on transitivity and theme in English, Part 2, Journal of Linguistics 3.199—244 (London—New York).
[24] Horová, E. (1976). On position and function of English local and temporal adverbials, Brno Studies in English 12.93— 123 (Brno).
[25] Jellinek, H. M. (1913—4). Geschichte der neuhochdeutschen Grammatik von den Anfängen bis auf Adelung (Heidelberg).
[26] Kirkwood, H. W. (1969). Aspects of word order and its communicative function in English and German, Journal of Linguistics 5.85—107 (London—New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700002073
[27] Kirkwood, H. W. (1970a). Some systemic means of "functional sentence perspective" in English and German, IRAL 8.103—14 (Heidelberg).
[28] Kirkwood, H. W. (1970b). On the thematic function and syntactic meanings of the grammatical subject in English, Linguistische Berichte 9.35—46 (Braunschweig).
[29] Kuno, Susumo (1972). Functional sentence perspective: A case study from Japanese and English, Linguistic Inquiry 4.269—320 (Cambridge, Mass.—London).
[30] Kopečný, Fr. (1962). Základy české skladby [Foundations of Czech syntax] (Prague).
[31] Mathesius, V. (1911). O potencionálnosti jevů jazykových [On the potentiality of the phenomena of language], Věstník Královské české společnosti nauk, třída filos.-histor., section II (Prague). For an English version by J. Vachek, see J. Vachek (ed.), A Prague School Reader 1—32 (Bloomington 1964).
[32] Mathesius, V. (1924). Několik poznámek o funkci podmětu v moderní angličtině [Some notes on the function of the subject in Modern English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 10.244—8 (Prague).
[33] Mathesius, V. (1941). Základní funkce pořádku slov v češtině [The basic function of word order in Czech], Slovo a slovesnost 7.169—80 (Prague).
[34] Mathesius, V. (1942). Ze srovnávacích studií slovosledných [From comparative word order studies], Časopis pro moderní filologii 28.181—90 and 302—7 (Prague). Cf. an evaluation of this paper in J. Firbas, From comparative word order studies, Brno Studies in English 4.111—28 (Prague).
[35] Mathesius, V. (1961). Obsahový rozbor současné angličtiny na základě obecně lingvistickém [A functional analysis of Present Day English on a general linguistic basis], ed. by J. Vachek (Prague). An English version of this work, A functional analysis of Present Day English on a general linguistic basis (translated by L. Dušková, edited and provided with notes and a postscript by J. Vachek), was published in 1975 (Prague).
[36] Mistrík, J. (1966). Slovosled a vetosled v slovenčine [Word order and clause order in Slovak] (Bratislava).
[37] Reichling, A.—Uhlenbeck, E. M. (1962). Fundamentals of syntax, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 27—31, 1962. 166—75 (The Hague, 1964).
[38] Schubiger, M. (1935). The role of intonation in spoken English (Cambridge).
[39] Schubiger, M. (1964). The interplay and co-operation of word-order and intonation in English, In Honour of Daniel Jones 255—65 (London).
[40] Sgall, P., Hajičová, E. and Benešová, E. (1973). Topic, focus and generative semantics (Kronberg/Taunus).
[41] Svoboda, A. (1968). The hierarchy of communicative units and fields as illustrated by English attributive constructions, Brno Studies in English 7.49—101 (Brno).
[42] Trnka, B. (1964). On the linguistic sign and the multilevel organization of language, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.33—40 (Prague).
[43] Trojan, F. (1961). Deutsche Satzbetonung, Grundsätze und Übungen (Vienna—Stuttgart).
[44] Uhlenbeck, E. M. (1941). Beknopte Javaansche Grammatica (Batavia).
[45] Uhlířová, L. (1972). On the quantitative analysis of clause and utterance in Czech, Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 4.107—28 (Prague).
[46] Uhlířová, L. (1974). O vztahu sémantiky příslovečného určení k aktuálnímu členění [Semantics of adverbials and their roles in functional sentence perspective], Slovo a slovesnost 36.99—106 (Prague).
[47] Vachek, J. (ed.) (1964). A Prague School reader (Bloomington).
[48] Weil, H. (1844). De l'ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparées aux langues modernes (Paris);
[49] Weil, H. The order of words in ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages (an English translation, Boston, 1878).
[2] Bauer, J.—Grepl, M. (1972). Skladba spisovné češtiny [The syntax of Standard Czech] (Prague).
[3] Benešová, E. 1968. O sémantickém charakteru českého slovosledu [On the semantic character of Czech word order], Slovo a slovesnost 29.34—41 (Prague).
[4] Benešová, E. (1971). Některé otázky aktuálního členění a slovosledu v čestině [Some questions of functional sentence perspective and word order in Czech], Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Philologica, Slavica Pragensia 13.179—98 (Prague).
[5] Bierwisch, M. (1968). Two critical problems in accent rules, Journal of Linguistics 4.173—8 (London-New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700001870
[6] Bolinger, D. L. (1952). Linear modification, Publications of the Modern Language Association 67.1117—44; reprinted in D. L. Bolinger, Forms of English 279—307 (Tokyo 1965). | DOI 10.2307/459963
[7] Daneš, Fr. (1957). Intonace a věta ve spisovné češtině [Sentence intonation in Present-Day Standard Czech] (Prague).
[8] Daneš, Fr. (1964). A three-level approach to syntax, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.225—40 (Prague)
[9] Daneš, Fr. (1967). Order of sentence elements and sentence intonation, To Honor Roman Jakobson 449—512 (The Hague).
[10] Dvořáková, E. (= Golková, E.) (1964). On the English and Czech situational adverbs in functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 4.129—42 (Prague).
[11] Firbas, J. (1959). Thoughts on the communicative function of the verb in English, German and Czech, Brno Studies in English 1.39—68 (Prague).
[12] Firbas, J. (1961). Ještě k postavení příslovečného určení v angličtině a češtině z hlediska aktuálního členění větného (Dovětek k článku E. Dvořákové) [Another note on the position of the situational adverbs in English and Czech. (An afterthought on E. Dvořáková's article)], Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 9.153—6 (Brno).
[13] Firbas, J. (1962). Notes on the function of the sentence in the act of communication, Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 10.133 — 48 (Brno).
[14] Firbas, J. (1964). On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.267-80 (Prague).
[15] Firbas, J. (1965). A note on transition proper in functional sentence analysis, Philologica Pragensia 8.170—6 (Prague).
[16] Firbas, J. (1966). Non-thematic subjects in contemporary English, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 2.239—56 (Prague); reprinted in W. A. Koch (ed.), Strukturelle Textanalyse 23—40 (Hildesheim-New York 1972).
[17] Firbas, J. (1968). On the prosodic features of the Modern English finite verb as a means of functional sentence perspective (More thoughts on transition proper), Brno Studies in English 7.11—48 (Brno).
[18] Firbas, J. (1969). On the prosodic features of the Modern English finite verb-object combination as means of functional sentence perspective, Brno Studies in English 8.49—50 (Brno).
[19] Firbas, J. (1971). On the concept of communicative dynamism in the theory of functional sentence perspective, Sborník prací filosofické fakulty brněnské university A 19.135—44 (Brno).
[20] Firbas, J. (1972). On the interplay of prosodic and non-prosodic means of functional sentence perspective, The Prague School of Linguistics and language teaching, ed. by V. Fried (London).
[21] Firbas, J. (1976). A study in the functional perspective of the English and the Slavonic interrogative sentence, Brno Studies in English 12.9—56 (Brno).
[22] Gunter, R. (1966). On the placement of accent in dialogue, Journal of Linguistics 2.159—73 (London—New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700001456
[23] Halliday, M. A. K. (1967). Notes on transitivity and theme in English, Part 2, Journal of Linguistics 3.199—244 (London—New York).
[24] Horová, E. (1976). On position and function of English local and temporal adverbials, Brno Studies in English 12.93— 123 (Brno).
[25] Jellinek, H. M. (1913—4). Geschichte der neuhochdeutschen Grammatik von den Anfängen bis auf Adelung (Heidelberg).
[26] Kirkwood, H. W. (1969). Aspects of word order and its communicative function in English and German, Journal of Linguistics 5.85—107 (London—New York). | DOI 10.1017/S0022226700002073
[27] Kirkwood, H. W. (1970a). Some systemic means of "functional sentence perspective" in English and German, IRAL 8.103—14 (Heidelberg).
[28] Kirkwood, H. W. (1970b). On the thematic function and syntactic meanings of the grammatical subject in English, Linguistische Berichte 9.35—46 (Braunschweig).
[29] Kuno, Susumo (1972). Functional sentence perspective: A case study from Japanese and English, Linguistic Inquiry 4.269—320 (Cambridge, Mass.—London).
[30] Kopečný, Fr. (1962). Základy české skladby [Foundations of Czech syntax] (Prague).
[31] Mathesius, V. (1911). O potencionálnosti jevů jazykových [On the potentiality of the phenomena of language], Věstník Královské české společnosti nauk, třída filos.-histor., section II (Prague). For an English version by J. Vachek, see J. Vachek (ed.), A Prague School Reader 1—32 (Bloomington 1964).
[32] Mathesius, V. (1924). Několik poznámek o funkci podmětu v moderní angličtině [Some notes on the function of the subject in Modern English], Časopis pro moderní filologii 10.244—8 (Prague).
[33] Mathesius, V. (1941). Základní funkce pořádku slov v češtině [The basic function of word order in Czech], Slovo a slovesnost 7.169—80 (Prague).
[34] Mathesius, V. (1942). Ze srovnávacích studií slovosledných [From comparative word order studies], Časopis pro moderní filologii 28.181—90 and 302—7 (Prague). Cf. an evaluation of this paper in J. Firbas, From comparative word order studies, Brno Studies in English 4.111—28 (Prague).
[35] Mathesius, V. (1961). Obsahový rozbor současné angličtiny na základě obecně lingvistickém [A functional analysis of Present Day English on a general linguistic basis], ed. by J. Vachek (Prague). An English version of this work, A functional analysis of Present Day English on a general linguistic basis (translated by L. Dušková, edited and provided with notes and a postscript by J. Vachek), was published in 1975 (Prague).
[36] Mistrík, J. (1966). Slovosled a vetosled v slovenčine [Word order and clause order in Slovak] (Bratislava).
[37] Reichling, A.—Uhlenbeck, E. M. (1962). Fundamentals of syntax, Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Linguists, Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 27—31, 1962. 166—75 (The Hague, 1964).
[38] Schubiger, M. (1935). The role of intonation in spoken English (Cambridge).
[39] Schubiger, M. (1964). The interplay and co-operation of word-order and intonation in English, In Honour of Daniel Jones 255—65 (London).
[40] Sgall, P., Hajičová, E. and Benešová, E. (1973). Topic, focus and generative semantics (Kronberg/Taunus).
[41] Svoboda, A. (1968). The hierarchy of communicative units and fields as illustrated by English attributive constructions, Brno Studies in English 7.49—101 (Brno).
[42] Trnka, B. (1964). On the linguistic sign and the multilevel organization of language, Travaux linguistiques de Prague 1.33—40 (Prague).
[43] Trojan, F. (1961). Deutsche Satzbetonung, Grundsätze und Übungen (Vienna—Stuttgart).
[44] Uhlenbeck, E. M. (1941). Beknopte Javaansche Grammatica (Batavia).
[45] Uhlířová, L. (1972). On the quantitative analysis of clause and utterance in Czech, Prague Studies in Mathematical Linguistics 4.107—28 (Prague).
[46] Uhlířová, L. (1974). O vztahu sémantiky příslovečného určení k aktuálnímu členění [Semantics of adverbials and their roles in functional sentence perspective], Slovo a slovesnost 36.99—106 (Prague).
[47] Vachek, J. (ed.) (1964). A Prague School reader (Bloomington).
[48] Weil, H. (1844). De l'ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparées aux langues modernes (Paris);
[49] Weil, H. The order of words in ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages (an English translation, Boston, 1878).