Na margo problematiky literárnej historiografie v českej a slovenskej reflexii

Název: Na margo problematiky literárnej historiografie v českej a slovenskej reflexii
Zdrojový dokument: Eliáš, Anton. Literární historiografie a česko-slovenské vztahy. Pospíšil, Ivo (editor); Zelenková, Anna (editor). V Tribunu EU vyd. 1. Brno: Tribun EU, 2011, pp. 31-37
Přístupová práva
otevřený přístup
Licence: Neurčená licence
The article raises the question of principles and criteria according to which history of literature can be constructed. The attention is paid to the discussion of this topic in the milieu of Czech and Slovak literary scholars and historiographes. The emphasis is put on the fact that in spite of the postmodern doubts about the possibilities of literary history to construct or re-construst real causal relations between the past and the present and to give a synthetic concept of literary evolution, literary historians cannot resign on their duty to participate in the process of the foregone literary events semiosis. The Lotman's pulsation model of literary history in Zajac's interpretation could be an appropriate methodological concept in this effort. At the same time literary history cannot lose the character defined by P. Janoušek as "a creative memory of a certain community".