Kürtösi, Katalin

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Kürtösi, Katalin (preferováno)
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Zobrazují se záznamy 1 - 11 z celkového počtu 11.

Kürtösi, Katalin. "An infernal masked ball" : Sándor Márai and Tamas Dobozy on the Siege of Budapest. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2019, roč. 14, č. [1], s. 99–110.

Kürtösi, Katalin. Canadian literature in Hungarian translation. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2001, roč. 1, č. [1], s. 24–29.

Bouyoucas, Pan; Kürtösi, Katalin. "...choses qui ne s'expliquent pas" : entretien avec Pan Bouyoucas. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2021, roč. 16, č. [1], s. 21–24.

Kürtösi, Katalin; Gadpaille, Michelle; Blake, Jason; Kyloušek, Petr; Staines, David; Rau, Albert. Don Sparling at 80. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2023, roč. 18, č. [1], s. 11–17.

Kürtösi, Katalin. [Godin, Jean-Cléo; Lafon, Dominique. Dramaturgies québécoises des années quatre-vingt]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2001, roč. 1, č. [1], s. 55–56.

Kürtösi, Katalin. Life writing and biographical plays: Emily Carr. Brno studies in English. 2011, roč. 37, č. 2, s. 127–143.

Kürtösi, Katalin. [Lüsebrink, Hans-Jürgen. "Le livre aimé du peuple". Les almanachs québécois de 1777 à nos jours]. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2016, roč. 10-11, č. [1], s. 154–155.

Kürtösi, Katalin. Plays about passionate painters. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2020, roč. 15, č. [1], s. 35–52.

Kürtösi, Katalin. The "confluence of spirit, idea, and image" : the North in Canadian culture in the interwar period. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 167–176.

Kürtösi, Katalin. "the despised, adorable joyous modern way," or The 'diverse' (?) Modernism of Canadian artists. In: Variations on community: the Canadian space. 2013, s. 181–192.

Kürtösi, Katalin. To "hunger ... for wild sensations" : 'playing Indian' in Hungary. The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2021, roč. 16, č. [1], s. 25–41.