Title: Studia paedagogica
Rok: 2023
Ročník: 28
Číslo: 2
Název čísla
Parental involvement in schools
Rok vydání
1803-7437 (print)
2336-4521 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.78470
- Editors: Angelika Paseka, Milada Rabušicová
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Parental involvement: changes and challenges : editorial | [5]–10
Paseka, Angelika; Rabušicová, Milada |
Title | Document |
"Good" parenting : parental support in education as a factor in inequality | [11]–28
Ule, Mirjana; Živoder, Andreja |
Parental and family involvement in schools : perceptions of young Brazilian and Portuguese people from underprivileged contexts | [29]–48
Freires, Thiago; Pereira, Fátima |
Parental involvement in Palestine | [49]–71
Ali-Rweide, Tahani |
Theoretical perspectives on the role of parents in shadow education | [73]–95
Kobakhidze, Magda Nutsa; Šťastný, Vít |
Ukrainian parents' engagement with Czech public schools : challenges and roles for parents | [97]–118
Dombinskaya, Natalia |