Title: Brno studies in English
Rok: 2013
Ročník: 39
Číslo: 1
Rok vydání
0524-6881 (print)
1805-0867 (online)
Trvalý odkaz (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/129146
Ústav FF MU
Title | Document |
Trolling in online discussions: from provocation to community-building | 5–25
Hopkinson, Christopher |
Notes on norms and usage of finite/non-finite predication in written English | [27]–40
Malá, Marcela |
Self-reference in the leads of institutional press releases | [41]–58
Maleková, Danica |
Abbreviations in English military terminology | [59]–87
Malenica, Frane; Fabijanić, Ivo |
Media representations of gender and leadership: from a discourse perspective | [89]–105
Sung, Chit Cheung Matthew |
When the advertised product is not the target: multimodal metaphor in Greek TV commercials | [107]–128
Tzanne, Angeliki |
National culture and the thematic structure of news texts | [129]–148
Zięba, Anna |
Title | Document |
Decrying shifting norms: towards a codification of societal ethos in Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo's Heart Songs | [149]–165
Akingbe, Niyi |
On D.H. Lawrence's Snake that slips out of the text: Derrida's reading of the poem | [167]–182
Barcz, Anna |
Literature in Walter Pater's architectural analogy | [183]–198
Budziak, Anna |
Addressing the age-old question of human perfectibility in Daniel Defoe's Mere Nature Delineated: or, a Body without a Soul | [199]–209
Culea, Mihaela |
Dystopian transformations: post-Cold War dystopian writing by women | [211]–226
Franková, Milada |
Intergenerational transmission of trauma in Spiegelman's Maus | [227]–241
Kolář, Stanislav |
The Coyote is not inside you: Gary Snyder's ecopoetry and Neo-Aristotelian thought | [243]–265
Zazula, Piotr |
Title | Document |
[Zox-Weaver, Annalisa. Women modernists and fascism] | [267]–272
Eliášová, Věra |
[Hardy, Stephen Paul; Horáková, Martina; Kaylor, Michael Metthew; Prajznerová, Kateřina. Alternatives in biography: writing lives in diverse English-language contexts] | [273]–275
Polić, Vanja |
Title | Document |
Brno Studies in English | 276
Title | Document |
Guidelines for authors | 277