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Theory and Practice in English Studies, 2022, vol. 11, issue 1.

Bánhegyi, Mátyás. Translation shifts and translator strategies in the Hungarian translation of Alice Munro's "Boys and girls". The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2012, roč. 8, č. [1], s. 89–102.

Le Calvé Ivičević, Evaine, Polić, Vanja. Introduction. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 6–25.

Chartier, Daniel. What is the imagined North?. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 28–52.

Van Herk, Aritha. The North within. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 53–64.

Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina. Conceptualising the North : re-imagining the spaces of the North in Jacques Ferron's L'Amélanchier and Mohammed Dib's Les Terrasses d'Orsol. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 67–84.

Kunešová, Květuše. Le Nord retrouvé. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 85–96.

Kyloušek, Petr. Ce Nord tout en feu : Les héritiers de la mine et Il pleuvait des oiseaux de Jocelyne Saucier. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 97–107.

Weiss, Allan. Beyond the North : nordicity in Canadian fantastic literature. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 111–124.

Verduyn, Christl. North and south of the 49th Parallel in Seth's The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 125–132.

Paprašarovski, Marija. Le Nord canadien mis en scène : lecture des pièces Terre Océane de Daniel Danis et Yukonstyle de Sarah Berthiaume. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 133–146.

Lopičić, Vesna, Kaličanin, Milena. A filmed representation of the Canadian aboriginal North in Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner). In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 147–164.

Kürtösi, Katalin. The "confluence of spirit, idea, and image" : the North in Canadian culture in the interwar period. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 167–176.

Kodó, Krisztina. Visual and audible expressions of the North based on the works of selected Canadian artists and Henry Beissel's Cantos North. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 177–190.

Černíková, Veronika. L'imaginaire de la neige dans la poésie féminine au Québec. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 191–204.

Martínez Serrano, Leonor María. In praise of the human voice : Robert Bringhurst's New World Suite No. 3 and Glenn Gould's The Idea of North. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 205–220.

Nagy, Judit, Bánhegyi, Mátyás. The Canadian North in the English classroom. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 223–238.

Bručić, Petra. How hockey helps Canada to claim and keep its North. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 239–252.

Wrońska, Iwona. A decade of Stephen Harper's Northern policy: achievements and failures. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 253–264.

Pilipović, Ozren. The impact of membership in the North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) on Canada's economy. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 265–277.

Erent-Sunko, Zrinka. The legal status of women in Canada - the legal model beyond the 49th Parallel : the right to choose : abortion law then and now. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North. 2018, s. 279–290.

Chovanec, Jan. Fifty volumes of Brno Studies in English. Brno studies in English. 2024, roč. 50, č. 1, s. 5–11.

Petrocelli, Emilia. Between detachment and commitment : hedging and boosting from scientific articles to university press releases. Brno studies in English. 2024, roč. 50, č. 1, s. 87–113.

Hryzhak, Liudmyla. Metaphorical depictions of women : exploring animal metaphors in Victorian prose fiction. Brno studies in English. 2024, roč. 50, č. 1, s. 33–53.