Zobrazují se záznamy 3241 - 3270 z celkového počtu 3399
Secklehner, Julia.
New narratives for Viennese modernism. Art East Central. 2024, roč. [4], č. 4, s. 129–132.
Minea, Cosmin.
The Islamic heritage of Central Europe : revivals and neglect in the last two hundred years. Art East Central. 2024, roč. [4], č. 4, s. 133–138.
Makovsky, Sergei, Stránská, Drahomíra, Wirth, Zdeněk, Teige, Karel.
The question of folk art in the interwar period : four texts by Sergei Makovsky (1877-1962), Drahomíra Stránská (1899-1964), Zdeněk Wirth (1878-1961), Karel Teige (1900-1951); translated by Sky Kobylak; [with an introduction by Marta Filipová]. Art East Central. 2024, roč. [4], č. 4, s. 85–120.
Palladino, Adrien.
Objects evading interpretation: Conques and Sainte Foy. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 10–16.
Fray, Sébastien.
Applying the anthropological concept of the "trickster" to the miracles of Sainte Foy?. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 20–34.
Diebold, William J..
"Wicked and absurd" : a surprising paragone in Bernard of Angers's miracles of Sainte Foy. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 36–48.
Naraschewski, Martin.
Bamberg, Conques, and the Hohenstaufen dynasty : a model of transregional dynamics. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 50–70.
Sparhubert, Éric.
The Chevet of Sainte-Foy of Conques and its models : materializing sanctity and promotional strategies in Romanesque architecture. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 72–88.
Tock, Benoît-Michel.
Présence et intervention des laïcs auprès de l'abbaye de Conques (Xe–XIIe siècles). Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 90–100.
Racaniello, Kris N..
A translike object? : composing the majesty of Sainte Foy and staging gender. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 102–126.
Thunø, Erik.
Localism and Sainte Foy at Conques. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 128–138.
Barral i Altet, Xavier.
La basilique Sainte-Foy de Conques agressée ou restaurée? : interventions et attitudes qui ont transformé le monument (XIXe–XXe siècles) : architecture, sculpture, vitraux. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 140–156.
Fasseur, Valérie.
La Chanson de sainte Foy pour le public d'aujourd'hui : rééditer, traduire, commenter. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 158–172.
Racaniello, Kris N..
Conques acoustic analysis : impulse response data & field observations. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 176–182.
Selected publications of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Department of Art History, Masaryk University. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 186–[187].
Editors' pick: Cultural Interactions in the Medieval Subcaucasian Region. Convivium. 2024, roč. 11, č. Supplementum, s. 188.
Bánhegyi, Mátyás.
Translation shifts and translator strategies in the Hungarian translation of Alice Munro's "Boys and girls". The Central European journal of Canadian studies. 2012, roč. 8, č. [1], s. 89–102.
Králová, Veronika.
"Internal guidelines" of the rowohlts deutsche enzyklopädie : correspondence between Ernesto Grassi and Hans Sedlmayr about art in postwar Germany. Opuscula historiae artium. 2023, roč. 72, č. 2, s. 148–159.
Le Calvé Ivičević, Evaine, Polić, Vanja.
Introduction. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 6–25.
Chartier, Daniel.
What is the imagined North?. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 28–52.
Van Herk, Aritha.
The North within. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 53–64.
Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina.
Conceptualising the North : re-imagining the spaces of the North in Jacques Ferron's L'Amélanchier and Mohammed Dib's Les Terrasses d'Orsol. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 67–84.
Kunešová, Květuše.
Le Nord retrouvé. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 85–96.
Kyloušek, Petr.
Ce Nord tout en feu : Les héritiers de la mine et Il pleuvait des oiseaux de Jocelyne Saucier. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 97–107.
Weiss, Allan.
Beyond the North : nordicity in Canadian fantastic literature. In: Beyond the 49th Parallel: many faces of the Canadian North.
2018, s. 111–124.