Title: Variations on community: the Canadian space
Variant title:
- Variations sur la communauté : l'espace canadien
Otrísalová, Lucia (Editor)
Martonyi, Éva (Editor)
1st edition
Place of publication
Masaryk University
Year of publication
346 s.
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/digilib.80756
Link to MU library catalogue: 000989940
License: Not specified license
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Editor's introduction | 9–11 Otrísalová, Lucia |
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Specialized dictionaries for learners : a Canadian perspective | 13–19 Alexiev, Boyan |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Considérations sur les stéréotypes socioculturels reflétés dans la littérature canadienne francophone | 21–28 Andrei, Carmen |
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Articulating a hyphenated conscience : the racialized artist in Roy Kiyooka's Pacific Rim Letters | 29–36 Anton, Alina–Elena |
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Postmodern strategies : palimpsest in Timothy Findley's novel Pilgrim | 37–48 Avramova, Galina |
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The woman in the land : space, insanity and textualization in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing | 49–56 Benczik, Vera |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Absurdism and the Canadian picture of a communist dictator | 57–65 Bottez, Monica |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Le Canada, une Terre Promise? : l'espace canadien dans La terre promise, Remember! de Noël Audet | 67–74 Bujnowska, Ewelina |
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Maria Chapdelaine de Louis Hémon: du livre au film | 75–80 Costandache, Ana–Elena |
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The 'imaginary' Métis in Margaret Laurence's Manawaka | 81–92 Constantin, Andreea Raluca |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
The maple leaf forever? : Canadian foreign policy under US influence | 93–103 David, Charles–Philippe; Jockel, Joseph T. |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
The decline of Ontario: a neo-Innisian approach | 105–114 Fiřtová, Magdalena |
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Rooting for the "Canadian Team" in the NHL | 115–122 Froehling, Kenneth |
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A bird in the house – a death in the house : an analysis of metaphorical and symbolical imagery in the collection of stories by Margaret Laurence A Bird in the House | 123–129 Gazdík, Marián |
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Canadian terminologists on terminological collocations | 131–136 Hitcheva, Dobromira |
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A lesson to be learned : reclaiming the region in Eden Robinson's Monkey Beach | 137–147 Horáková, Martina |
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Canadian duality : three decades of conflicts over the Constitution between Quebec and the federal government of Canada | 149–159 Kijewska-Trembecka, Marta |
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The diversity of gender and feminist issues in Cynthia Flood's "My Father Took a Cake to France" | 161–171 Kostić, Milena |
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Ru : ruisseau et berceuse | 173–180 Kunešová, Květuše |
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"the despised, adorable joyous modern way," or The 'diverse' (?) Modernism of Canadian artists | 181–192 Kürtösi, Katalin |
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Questionnement identitaire dans Passages d'Émile Ollivier | 193–200 Kyloušek, Petr |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
La diversité de la culture canadienne/québécoise et ses appréciations dans une perspective comparée | 201–209 Martonyi, Éva |
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Volunteering and social inclusion of seniors : the case of Canada and selected European countries | 211–220 Mazurek, Marica |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Sense of belonging determined by spatial markers in Nino Ricci's In a Glass House | 221–226 Molnár, Judit |
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Un patrimoine bâti identitaire : la diversité de l'architecture religieuse protestante des Cantons-de-l'Est du Québec | 227–235 Nadeau-Saumier, Monique |
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La "culture hybride" de l'écrivain migrant | 237–244 Novaković, Jelena |
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Canadian policy towards veterans : from WWI to Afghanistan | 245–255 Paluszkiewicz–Misiaczek, Magdalena |
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Diversité sexuelle et dignité de l'homme dans la dramaturgie québécoise contemporaine | 257–265 Paprašarovski, Marija |
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Food as a paradigm of acculturation | 267–274 Perianova, Irina |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
True confessions : Canadian literature for young readers after 2001 | 275–280 Přibylová, Irena |
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Monarchy in Canada : its rise, evolution and future | 281–292 Soroka, Tomasz |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Canada – Hic sunt bestiae | 293–298 Sparling, Don |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Maria Chapdelaine de Louis Hémon et le roman du terroir : mythe révolu ou réalité de l'espace canadien français ? | 299–307 Truhlářová, Jana |
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Communication au Canada : l'anglais n'est pas une langue magique? | 309–316 Voiculescu, Liliana |
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Diversité culturelle des écritures migrantes et la traduction : Régine Robin et Dany Laferrière en polonais | 317–325 Warmuzińska-Rogóż, Joanna |
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Reasonable accommodation: a blessing or a curse? | 327–334 Yankova, Diana |
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Canada and Germany: managing immigration | 335–346 Yankova, Eliza |